nyu-daniel-zint / intro-to-computer-science-2024-spring

Introduction to Computer Science

New York University
Department of Computer Science


Date Class Topics Resources Quiz due Assignment due
01/23/24 1 Welcome & Syllabus      
01/25/24 2 Basic Computer Concepts - Computer Science: Not about Computers, Not Science
-Basic computer concepts
01/30/24 3 Unix Intro - Chapter 1
- Unix Tutorial for Beginners, 1 & 2
Basic computer concepts  
02/01/24 4 The Java Paradigm - Chapter 2
- Java acronyms
Unix Intro  
02/06/24 5 Starter Code     01 - Hello World
02/08/24 6 Branching - Oracle tutorials: Primitive data types
- Decision-making example code
The Java Paradigm  
02/13/24 7 Loops - Chapter 5
- Loops example code
02/15/24 8 Methods - Chapter 6
- Methods example code
Loops 02 - Basic Programming
02/20/24 9 Arrays - Chapter 7
- Arrays example code
02/22/24 10 Review   Arrays  
02/27/24 11 Review (continued)     03 - Blackjack
02/29/24 12 Exam #1      
03/05/24 13 Multidimensional arrays - Chapter 8
- Multidimensional arrays example code
03/07/24 14 Exam #1 Discussion   Multidimensional arrays  
03/12/24 15 OOP #1 - Chapter 9
- Object orientation example code
03/14/24 16 OOP #2     04 - Text Analysis
03/19/24   Spring Break      
03/21/24   Spring Break      
03/26/24 17 Strings - Chapter 4
- Chapter 10
- Strings basic example code
- Text alignment example code
03/28/24 18 Inheritance - Chapter 11
- Inheritance example code
Object Orientation  
04/02/24 19 Review   Strings  
04/04/24 20 Review (continued)   Inheritance 05 - Sudoku Validator
04/09/24 21 Exam #2      
04/11/24 22 Interfaces - Chapter 13
- Interfaces example code
04/16/24 23 Abstract Classes - Chapter 13
- Abstract classes example code
04/18/24 24 Exam #2 Discussion     06 - Virtual Moped
04/23/24 25 Exception Handling - Chapter 12
- Exceptions example code
Interfaces and Abstract Classes  
04/25/24 26 Recursion - Chapter 18
- Recursion example code
04/30/24 27 Review      
05/02/24 28 Review (continued)     07 - Language
05/09/24   Exam #3